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Robispho | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:04
I can tell that you put a lot of effort into your pictures.
Guest 04-May-2007 07:54
Dear Obispo,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:09
Your work is amazing!
Guest 20-Dec-2006 10:31
wow, de foto's van het Dickens festival zijn schitterend en ik maar denken het zal wel zoooooo druk zijn , daar zien ze me niet, spijt,spijt,spijt , maar jij hebt schitterende foto's, groetjes Enny.
abhilasha 07-Jul-2006 10:34
hey...i think ur pics are great....i loved it...
Guest 05-Feb-2006 14:07
Thank you for your comments! I really appreciate it.
I enjoy looking at your photos - hope you do make it to Japan someday and take wonderful photos here too.
Guest 26-Jan-2006 20:56
Thank you for your comments. I try to continue. "La puerta" is one of this photos you see before taking it. For me it don't happen very often. "La tormenta sobre el Bosforo" is the oposite. The light was very bad, but in the "darkroom" I saw the there was some posibilities there. eHc
Eddie Ling24-Jan-2006 17:14
Great composition and color! my vote!
Guest 29-Sep-2005 21:43
Fotos muy interesantes
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde EspaƱa
Brando Ho10-Sep-2005 15:05
Hello again Obispo,
I just feel like come back and visit you. I see you still doing an excellent job with your photos. Keep up the good work!! ^_^
Guest 30-Aug-2005 11:59
Hi Obispo,
Yet another hit. This time from a collegue. After the 'sneak preview' it tasted like more.
Guest 22-Aug-2005 16:23
Thank you for the information, I have to tray it some day.

Pastoriza is a small town near Lugo, one of the main cities of Galicia, in the north west of Spain. The better way of describing Pastoriza would be as a group of farm houses scattered all around a valley. A really nice place to rest. eHc
Guest 14-Aug-2005 19:31
Hi! Thank you very much for your comments in my guestbook .. At the present moment I'm located in Greece, will write you more when i am back. Have a nice day! Elin
Guest 08-Aug-2005 08:07
Dear Obispo:
I spent some times to surf on your galleries, then I started to wonder what kind of person you might be? What kind of experiences in you to make gallery Bodie as a stunning exhibition. The honor is my for having me added to your list.

Guest 27-Jul-2005 08:58
Thank you for visiting my gallery. I especially like your experiments photos. I'll follow you too.
Ken B25-Jul-2005 21:09

Thanks for leaving a comment on my Powwow site. I checked out your galleries and I can say that you have some very nice pictures there. And by some, I mean all. Again, thanks.

Ken B
Brando Ho25-Jul-2005 19:45
Hello Obispo,
I just stopped by your galleries, all the photos are very nice. I just join Pbase about a couple of months ago. You will enjoy the site and the people. Keep up the good work!!